Corsica Water Quality Testing Begins

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CRC volunteers are working with ShoreRivers to test bacteria levels at two sites in the Corsica, at the Town Wharf and at the Corsica River Sailing Center.  Results are posted every Friday at Results from the week of June … Continued

Celebrate Earth Day All Week

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Join with CRC for a spring clean up this Saturday, April 24th from 10 am until 1 pm.  Supplies will be provided at the Centreville Wharf and at Millstream Park.  Our longer term goal is to minimize the need for … Continued

Spring Clean Up

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Join with other Conservancy volunteers on SATURDAY, APRIL 24th from 10 am until 1 pm to help clean up the Corsica watershed.  Meet up at one of two locations in Centreville to pick up gloves and trash bags:  the Wharf at … Continued

Talking Trash

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No, this is not a post about the NCAA basketball tournament although those UMd women have been pretty amazing.  It’s about the sad state of roadsides throughout the watershed.  Roadsides that are covered with plastic, cans, bottles, construction debris and … Continued

Welcome to Spring!

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Temperatures are warming, the geese are flying north and the ospreys and bluebirds have started building their nests.  It is a good time to take stock of our yards and our waterways. March 1 marks the end of the lawn … Continued