Join the Spring Cleanup
Centreville Wharf Watson Road, Centreville, MD, United StatesJoin an area wide cleanup. Gloves, trash bags provided. Meet at the Centreville Wharf.
Join an area wide cleanup. Gloves, trash bags provided. Meet at the Centreville Wharf.
National Take Back Drug Day is April 27th this year. When improperly disposed of, either in the trash or down the drain, prescription and over-the-counter drugs can make their way into our waterways with negative effects on water quality and … Continued
Tracking water quality in the Corsica is an important first step for achieving cleaner water. Understanding the amount and trends of multiple scientific water quality parameters help us understand whether protection and restoration efforts have contributed to improvements and where … Continued
Fishing Derby - 4 to 6pm at the Wharf Park Children 2-15 will compete in four age divisions for trophies and recognition! Fishing poles are available to use or bring your own Bait provided for all participants. Free hot dogs, … Continued
The County's Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring this year's Corsica River Day at Conquest Preserve. The event is free and open to the public. Over the past two decades, Corsica River Day has played a crucial role in advancing … Continued
Join with family and friends to help clean up the Corsica River and surrounding areas on October 5th from 10 am until noon. Meet at the Centreville Wharf to get an assigned location or come with ideas about where you … Continued
On Saturday, October 26th, join with friends and neighbors at Centreville Day. This free event, with activities for the whole family, will be held from 11 am until 3 pm. Lawyers Row & Broadway will be closed to traffic and … Continued
Stormwater runoff can carry bacteria and other pollutants into waterways used for drinking water, fishing, swimming and other recreational activities. Managing runoff is of increasing importance in the Corsica watershed as more development brings more impervious surface--areas such as roofs, … Continued
On Wednesday, December 11 from 6 until 8 pm at Kent Island High School, and virtually, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will display materials and be available to answer questions regarding the preferred alternative for a Bay Bridge replacement. This … Continued
On Tuesday, February 25 at 5:30, the Queen Anne's County Commissioners will hear the results from a survey of business owners on how a ban on single-use plastic carry out bag would affect their businesses. The results will be presented … Continued
Centreville Day, an annual event held on and around the old Courthouse green, will be held on Saturday, October 25th from 11 am until 3 pm. Mark you calendar and check back for more details.