The Chesapeake Bay Trust has recently awarded the Maryland Forest Service a grant to plant edible trees and bushes at the County’s Whitemarsh Park on Bloomfield Farm. CRC supported this grant request and will provide some funding and volunteer support. In April, over 900 seedlings of native plants such as American and beach plums, black chokeberry, hazelnut, pawpaw, persimmon, highbush blueberry, and elderberry will be planted in an enclosed 1.6 acre parcel. An interactive walking path through the planting will be constructed with informational signs to inform and engage visitors. In addition to providing useful information on our native fruit and nut producing species, the project will provide pollinator and wildlife habitat and improve water quality. Future workshops will be planned on site to provide educational opportunities and further public interest. Volunteers will be needed for all planting. Check back here later this spring for additional details about how to volunteer for April plantings.