Maryland’s Department of Agriculture Agroforestry Support Programs

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Maryland’s agricultural sector continues to be one of the major sources of nutrient run off into the state’s streams and rivers. More widespread expansion of best practices on farmland is key to decreasing this runoff and its subsequent damage. In addition, farmers who plant trees can boost farm income, improve soil and herd health, and protect local streams and natural resources.The state has established a number of cost share programs for farmland owners and, soon, farmland lessees to help expand the adoption of best agroforestry and tree planting practices. During the month of February, MDA will conduct an outreach campaign to promote its programs. For more information on local management, contact the Queen Anne’s Soil Conservation District at 410-758-3136, extension 3. For more information on MDA’s programs and outreach campaign, visit

Department Launches Farmer Outreach Campaign to Promote Tree Planting and Agroforestry Incentives