Massive Storage Facility Proposed for Critical Area

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On August 8th, at 5:30 in Centreville, the County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on a developer’s request to build a warehouse-like, multistory storage facility in an ecologically sensitive area along Route 50, on the Cross Island Trail. Their decision on this project is an early indication of whether the Commissioners will honor the long range Comprehensive Plan, adopted last year and widely supported by residents as the future they would like to see, or whether they will let it become just a set of empty goals.

Nearly 100 concerned citizens opposed this proposal in February, yet four of the five Commissioners voted to advance the project. Commissioner Corchairino cast the lone vote against the developer’s request to change the Critical Area designation from “Limited” to “Intense Development,” which is required for the project to move forward. Voting in favor of the developer were Patrick McLaughlin, Philip L. Dumenil, Jack N. Wilson, Jr., and James J. Moran. Please tell these Commissioners that vital ecological buffers do not need to be destroyed to meet any County residents’ need for additional storage.

Send an email opposing the project and supporting the Comprehensive Plan to  And attend the meeting in person on Tuesday, August 8th at 107 N. Liberty Street, Centreville from 5:30 until 8:30.